now accepting referrals
**some evening and weekend appointments available
New Service--
Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) remote delivery
SSP is a non-invasive vagal nerve stimulator designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity.
"Why can't I just get over it? Why does this still get under my skin? I hate feeling shaky. I know I'm an adult but when I argue with my parents I just want to go hide again."
Sometimes no matter how much we want to let go of or not think
about something it just comes up over and over again.
Memories, whether a seemingly neverending sequence or snippets of a sound or feeling, can end up stuck and intrude on your present over and over again. When a memory is not fully processed and remains stuck it can be remarkably difficult to dislodge. A great metaphor is a clogged drain catching more and more hair as times goes on.
Lingering effects of traumatic stress can take many forms, some very disruptive and obvious, and some much more stealthy but no less troubling.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a highly effective treatment intervention for traumatic stress.
If the past is intruding on your present and interfering with your life, it doesn't have to stay that way.
Let the past stay where it belongs.
About Lantern Counseling
In 2023, after 18 years working in a variety of treatment settings, I opened my own practice to focus on trauma and EMDR. I'm committed to supporting you in building the life you want, free of interference from old wounds. HIPAA compliant telehealth tools make it easy to access EMDR and other psychotherapy interventions no matter what part of Alaska you live in.
I named my practice after a symbol of insight. Lanterns have been a visual representation of wisdom, hope, and truth across centuries and cultures.

Tues 11-5
Wed 1-8
Thurs 1-8
Fri 2-6
Sat 10-1

Insurances Accepted:
Aetna (in-network)
Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield (in-network)
I am a Tricare certified mental health counselor but my practice is not contracted with Tricare. I am still attempting to get credentialed but there is no ETA. I may continue to be listed on their directories because of my certification status and prior work at an agency contracted with Tricare.
I am unable to bill Medicaid or Medicare.
Superbills provided upon request.